Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose

Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose

We truly care about our planet and the fact is being a company that works with skincare means we work with packaging. We do our very best to incorporate sustainability whenever possible. We use gorgeous glass packaging that can easily be recycled and or re-purposed! Here are some tips and tricks to get you started on recycling and reusing your beauty products! 



1.Find out what can and can’t be recycled in your area.


Every city has its own rules when it comes to what is recyclable. Check your local government website to see the restrictions for your community. 



2.We use Pumps… here is how to ensure they get recycled properly 


It’s good practice to remove the pumps from any bottle before recycling because they often have metal springs inside that you can’t see. The bottles can all be easily recycled but the pumps are a bit harder to work with. Don’t worry its on our mind. We love innovation and are always looking for ways to improve our sustainability practices! 



3.Using the bottles for other purposes 


Our gorgeous sleek bottles can serve other purposes. Use them as a hand soap dispenser or even for flowers or plants!